Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sesame Seeds

In theory, there is really nothing wrong or scary about sesame seeds.

In fact, I note that sesame seeds individually do not scare me, for example, if they are sprinkled into a salad or spread out at a distance apart on the top of a cracker or bun, then that seems to be alright.

However, if they are very closely clumped together, like on top of deep fried prawn toast or sesame cracker then it starts to get very "disturbing" for me. For example, this photo truly makes the hairs on my arms stand up.

To find this photo, I had to google "Sesame Seeds+photo" and the results that came back (mostly from grain supplier websites with lots of close-ups), made me feel faint!!!

Recently, I was buying bagels from the supermarket, and I had choices of blueberry, sesame or plain. I noticed that the sesame bagels were sprinkled with sesame seeds, but they were a little closer together than I felt comfortable with, so I bought the plain ones. :-)

Scary Scale : 9/10

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